Blog, News & Styling Tips
My personal style: Conquering Hollywood In The Lie by JPZ Pink Bridal Gown October 18 2019, 0 Comments
Just checking in from the USA, where I am conquering LA in The Lie by JPZ pink lace gown from our BRIDAL collection. HOLLYWOOD sign is one of the world's most evocative symbols – a universal metaphor for ambition, success, glamour. And, therefore the perfect background for this magnificent gown.
THE LIE BY JPZ pink lace gown from BRIDAL collection & 14K gold ring bracelet
The Lie by JPZ Bridal October 13 2019, 0 Comments
Jernejin poročni avantgardni stil vedno testira meje sodobnega sveta in retro pridiha v modnem dizajnu. Luksuzna The Lie by JPZ poročna linija je sinonim za drzne, seksi in moderne kroje, ki vsebuje “vintage” materiale in retro stil. Poleg tega, da so vse obleke oblikovane in izdelane v našem studiu, Jerneja P. Zhembrovskyy Music vedno tudi osebno bdi nad samim procesom izdelave, hkrati pa celo sama ročno šiva še zadnje detajle na vsako poročno obleko.
Jernejin umetniški pristop k “high end” modi sedaj predstavlja tako imenovano “couture” stopnjo kvalitete po cenah, ki so sicer bližje tistim iz masovne produkcije. The lie by JPZ poročna obleka je tako posebna, prepoznavna in drugačna od vse ostale ponudbe, da jo preprosto mora imeti vsaka nevesta, ki resnično ceni unikatno poročno obleko.
Nova Jernejina umetnina, The Lie by JPZ POROČNA KOLEKCIJA, je primerna za vsako nevesto - urbano, seksi, moderno, romantično ali klasično, kot tudi za njeno pričo, družice in cvetlične deklice. Polna domišljije, izbranih detajlov in romantike, The Lie by JPZ luksuzna POROČNA linija bo z vami na začetku vaše zakonske ljubezenske zgodbe.
JPZ’s bridal avant-garde design style is always testing the barriers and boundaries of the modern world and retro style of fashion design. Luxury The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL line is synonym for bold, sexy and modern fit that incorporates vintage materials and retro styles. Aside from designing all the collections at the fashion house, Jerneja P. Zhembrovskyy Music oversees the entire production processes in her studio as well as working by herself on each and every gown with her own hands for the final touches.
JPZ’s artistic approach to high-end fashion is now presenting a couture level of quality, in retail prices that are closer to those of mass production brands. The Lie by JPZ wedding dresses are so unique and distinguished from anything else out there, that every bride to be, who truly appreciates unique wedding gown, simply needs to have it.
The new masterpiece bridal couture collection is perfect for urban, sexy, modern, romantic or classical bride and her entire entourage - maid of honour, bridesmaids and flower girls. Full of awe, imagination, attention to detail and romance, The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL luxury line is set to take you on an incredible love story.
Ad campaign shot by TIBOR GOLOB
Location SNG Maribor

























Odkrito o poroki na poročnem seminarju LUKA & BEN wedding planning March 02 2019, 0 Comments
Drage moje!
Biti oblikovalka, ki izdeluje oblačila po meri, pomeni, da imam z vsako stranko zelo tesen in oseben stik. In ključno je, da se v tem odnosu razvije medsebojno zaupanje in odkritost. Tokrat bom govorila ODKRITO O POROKI za vse bodoče neveste & ženine v sodelovanju z LUKA & BEN WEDDING PLANNING na seminarju, ki bo potekal v hotelu InterContinental v Ljubljani, 6. &. 7. marca. O poroki bomo spregovorili brez dlake na jeziku. Zakaj imeti unikatno poroko? Zakaj je pomembno na prvo mesto postaviti kvaliteto in drugačnost? Vse o tem vam bosta zaupala Luka in Ben, ki sta bila tudi moja poročna planerja in ki bi ju izbrala za to posebno priložnost vedno znova in znova.
Moja malenkost pa vam bo iz prve roke ( zakaj iz prve roke? Ker sem poskrbela že za lepo število unikatnih poročnih oblek za moj nevesto ter njihovo spremstvo - družice in cvetlične deklice in seveda zato, ker sem bila tudi sama pred kratkim nevesta!) predstavila razloge, zakaj je pomembno imeti unikatno poročno obleko, ki je izdelana po meri in - samo vaša. Ker v to resnično in z vsem srcem verjamem in, saj veste, kaj pravijo: "practise what you preach"!
Odgovorili bomo na vsa vaša vprašanja in vas popeljali v svet porok, drugače, po naše. Ker si to zaslužite.
Ker verjamemo v drugačnost, unikatnost in butičnost, pravzaprav delamo to kar delamo. Z vso strastjo in vsem srcem. Luka Mirjan simšič in Benjamin Bastien Kračun odita v mojem življenju med tiste srčne ljudi, ki jih imam neizmerno rada, hkrati pa me tudi inspirirata in pri kreativnem poklicu je obdanost s takšnimi ljudmi sila pomembna. Njun pristop k poroki je tako oseben, kot zasnova poročnih oblek za moje neveste, zato sem se z veseljem odzvala njunemu povabilu za sodelovanje na njunem poročnem seminarju.
In naj odkrito o poroki spregovorim tudi na mojem blogu, drage moje zveste bralke in stranke. Roko na srce - v kolikor sodite med tiste, ki si želite imeti vaš poročni dan speljan na najvišjem možnem nivoju, boste za to morali odšteti kar nekaj denarja. In moje prepričanje je, da pri vseh stroških, ki jih poroka prinese, obleke ne bi smeli smatrati kot "tisti nepotreben strošek - obleko si bom raje kar sposodila, saj jo bom imela samo enkrat". Ja, drži, srčno upam ( pa verjetno ne l jaz, temveč tudi ve in vaši ženini ) da boste poročno obleko imeli samo enkrat in takrat si zaslužite, da je ta obleka samo vaša, izdelana po meri, prilagojena vaši postavi, vašim željam, temi in barvi poroke! To je vaš dan in enkratna priložnost, da na ta dan ne razvajate le svojih gostov, temveč tudi sebe!
Sama sem v to prepričanje tako zelo verjela, da sem imela skupno pet oblek. Kako je do tega prišlo? Delno, ker se nisem mogla odločiti, kakšen kroj bi imela ter delno zaradi programa poroke in vseh aktivnosti, kajti vseeno sem želela, da mi bo udobno in bom lahko brezskbno preplesala noč. A vse potrobnosti o moji poroki bom nekoč zapisala novi blog objavi.
Na slikah spodaj vidite obleko, ki sem jo nosila na predporočni večer ali na tako imenovani "reherseal dinner". Sem ljubiteljica večernih oblek, veliko jih nosim, zato sevea ni bilo dileme, da bo obleke za ta dogodek dolga. Hkrati sem želela, da je, kot že sama večerja, tudi obleka uvod v moj poročni dan. Zato sem se oločila za belo barvo in čipkast zgornji del, belino pa sem nato razbila in obleki dodala nekaj ostrine s črnim žametnim pasom. Je bil le predporočni večer in popolnoma bela sem želela biti na obredu.
Več fotografij iz tega večera si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.
Vedno bolj pogosto se srečujem z nevestami, ki si želijo imeti svojo poročno obleko v drugi barvi, kot beli. Takrat se najprej pogovorimo, ali bi morda bilo vseeno smiselno imeti na obredu belo in željo po barvni obleki potešimo z drugo obleko, v kater se nevesta preoblečese za rajanje. V tem primeru, obleko primerno prilagodim plesanju - verjemite mi - tudi v dolgi obleke vam je lahko udobno in v njej preplešete celo noč! Takšna nevesta je bila Lea, ki se je po obredni beli obleki preoblekla v črno. Brez vlečke, spredaj malo krajša ( kar zaradi modela obleke in aplikacij iz tila tega sploh ni bilo moč opaziti ) in v črni barvi je tako brezskrbno preplesala svojo poročno noč. Polona pa je bila tista drzna nevesta, ki je imela na svoji poroki rdeče poudarke in si je zaželela tudi rdečo obleko. Za obredni del je imela dodano še bogato krilo iz tila, ki ga je nato snela in do izraza je prišla preprosta silhueta obleke, ki je lepo poudarila njeno postavo.
Kaj pa popolnoma "custom made" dodatki? Dostikrat si nevesta zaželi torbico, vendar enostavno ne najde primerne. Pri personalizirani izdelavi dodatkov je prednost ta, da se zopet lahko popolnoma prilagodimo potrebam in željam neveste, hkrati pa ustvarimo dodatek, ki lepo zaključi celotno podobo, je diskreten, a ravno prav drzen, hkrati pa ne prevzame pozornosti obleki, vendar jo dopolni. Na sliki je torbica, ki sem jo naredila za mojo drago nevesto Špelo ( ki jo tudi lahko vidite na spodnjih slikah ), je pa sicer bila presenečenje in darilo s strani njenih družic.
Po meri izdelana poročna obleka je nekaj neprecenljivega. Z nevesto vedno najprej odkrijeva njen stil in njene želje, ki jih potem upoštevava pri modelu obleke, primernem za njeno postavo, lokacijo, kjer se bo poroka odvijala, program, itd. Na spodnjih slikah si lahko poleg mene in moje poročne obleke, ki sem jo nosila na obredu, ogledate še nekaj unikatnih oblek, ki so bile izdelane posebej za moje neveste in so popolnoma unikatne - spoznajte The Lie by JPZ #realbrides Petro, Barbaro, Špelo, Svetlano in - mojo malenkost.
Na spodnjih dveh slikah lahko vidite mojo zdnjo obleko, ki je bila namenjena poročni zabavi. Brez vlečke in širokega kroja mi je omogočala povsem prosto gibanje, hkrati pa zaradi tega dajala prelep efekt ob plesnju in vrtenju, drobne bleščice pa so se ponoči lepo lesketale v soju drobnih lučk.
In tako pridemo še do sklepnega dela. Vizija poroke je zaključena še z oblekami vaših družic in cvetličnih deklic. Pri slednjih rada uporabljam enak material in enako čipko kot pri nevestah, za popolno ujemanje. Medtem ko pri družicah sama zagovarjam izdelavo oblek, kjer je vsaka drugačna od druge, zopet prilagojena na stil, postavo in karakter vsake posamezne družice. Pri mojih družicah je bila skupna nit le vrsta čipke, nato pa je imela vsaka svoj model pa tudi barvo obleke. Špelina barva poroke je bila nežno roza in zato si je zaželela svoje družice v enakem materialu, vsaka pa si je nato izbrala svoj model obleke. Pri Lei pa so se družice ujemale z njeno črno poročno obleko v barvi in vrsti čipke, vendar zopet vsaka v svojem modelu obleke.
Moč je v detaljih in nevesto lahko z družicami povežemo tudi z enakim nakitom - vse imajo lahko enako zapestnico, na kovancu pa ima nevesta napis Bride, družice pa Bridesmaids ali Špela's Crew ali kaj podobno izvirnega in zabavnega.
Z mojo mami sva zelo povezani. In nekaj malega te povezave sva na moji poroki pokazali tudi skozi najini obleki. Za sprejem gostov sem se odločila za bogato rdečo obleko ter nato iz istega materiala in čipke naredila obleko za mami. Ja, ponavljam - moč je v detajlih. Še posebej, kadar so ti osebni in podprti s težo zgodbe in simbolike.
In za konec, še enkrat moje sveto prepričanje: vaša poročna obleka naj bo samo vaša in naj si zasluži posebno mesto v omari za vedno! Ni lepšega, kot obujati spomine in ponovno pogledati poročno obleko tudi z mlajšimi generacijami, vašo hčerko in vnukinjo.
My Personal Style: Wedding Eve Or The Night Before Or How I Started My Love Affair With Wedding Gowns August 19 2018, 0 Comments
Hello my dear ladies!
I guess this one will be one of the most personal posts. The pictures definitely will be! Since my engagement I developed a great love affair with creating beautiful, urban, modern and custom made wedding gowns. And because it all started from my personal experience and since my wedding, more than a year ago, I've created quite a few gorgeous gowns for my customers as well as strong personal connections, I feel it's the right thing to do - sharing with you my most personal experience through the following pictures. You are looking at our rehearsal dinner that happened the night before our big day. Together with us were our best man Mark, maid of honor Mira and my bridesmaids.
What I wish to talk about in this post is the importance of treating yourself on your wedding day and throughout the preparations you may have prior your big wedding day, such as bachelorette party and rehearsal dinner. You see, I deeply believe in my wirk and my creations. I also adore them. I believe this is crucial to success- if I believe in what I do, also my customers will. There is no other way, I am really convinced about this.
The Lie by JPZ Bridal - The Final Countdown vol. 2 April 01 2018, 0 Comments
Ahhhh, we are so so proud here at The Lie by JPZ. With our bridal collection almost coming out, dedicated to all romantic, urban, minimalist or avant-garde brides and their bridesmaids, we just have to show you this beautiful editorial by our photographer Tibor Golob with gorgeous Sandra, Bojana & Kate, rocking The Lie by JPZ red gowns from our upcoming Bridal Collection.
Dear brides, it's the final countdown, The Lie by JPZ Bridal Collection is launching soon and we can't wait to show it to you!
Photo: Tibor Golob
Models: Sandra, Bojana, Kate
Make up: Nina Arko
Hair: Adnel Onno
The Lie by JPZ X Style Maker Gaja Prestor Alias The Lie by JPZ Bridal Collection Reveal Final Countdown vol.1 February 18 2018, 0 Comments
Ahhhh, we are so so proud here at The Lie by JPZ. With our bridal collection almost coming out, dedicated to all romantic, urban, minimalist or avant-garde brides and their bridesmaids, we just had to share this beautiful editorial of our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Gaja Prstor, looking absolutely stunning in our black gown from bridal collection. Shot in picturesque Prague, all this beauty was captured by our dear & talented photographer Tibor Golob.
Dear brides, it's the final countdown, The Lie by JPZ bridal collection is launching soon and we can't wait to show it to you
Foto: Tibor Golob
My Personal Style: Minimalist Bride vol. 1 May 02 2017, 2 Comments
Choosing the perfect bridal dress will make your wedding day even more special. Say I do in The Lie by JPZ selection of stunning minimalist bridal styles for the sophisticated and elegant bride wanting an understated yet chic wedding appearance.
Emphasizing female figure, The Lie by JPZ gowns are designed to make you feel glamorous and look beautiful.
THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown, leather belt, earrings & hand cuff
Are You A Mediterranean Bride...? September 02 2016, 1 Comment
Fall wedding season has just started and we are ready for it. Here at the Lie by JPZ we just love urban and minimalist brides! Are you a Mediterranean Bride? Will your most beautiful and romantic day happen on marvelous Mediterranean landscape? Then you just have to go for ruffles and lace, captured in a beautiful clean and unfussy mermaid line gown from our Cruise 2017 collection Señorita. Step with us into the world of palm trees, oleanders, olive and citrus trees and live our breath-taking cruise fairytale...

Become Urban Bride With The Lie by JPZ May 07 2016, 2 Comments
Here at The Lie by JPZ we love to design for modern and urban brides. Clean cuts, romantic draping and sharp lines, complemented with hardware and crystals are those statement characteristics, which define our urban brides to be. Every bride loves her wedding dress but does not plan on wearing it again. Why? Here at The Lie by JPZ we focus on contemporary glamour with a subtle edge and therefore on the possibility of wearing our gowns in many other occasions.
We love to see our brides in elegant, yet less limiting way, creating bold, sleek and extremely glamorous designs, coming also in wedding dress separates, which are a big new wedding trend that brides everywhere are embracing! So, make your wedding day look totally unique with The Lie by JPZ team and use this ahhhmazing 30% discount on all bridal orders in May!
Contact us at !
The Lie by JPZ Evening Gown For Miss Earth World Final 2015 November 13 2015, 1 Comment
Step into the world of fairytale forests and ethereal fairies. Where glorious sunlit clearings, magical sounds and hypnotic smells arose every day and night, over and over again...There you'll find our new masterpiece, fairy inspired blush lace evening gown with light and flowy chiffon cape, created for beautiful Miss Earth Slovenia 2015, Laura Škvorc, for her final appearance on Miss Earth world final. Miss Earth is an annual international beauty pageant promoting environmental awareness and contestants tend to be strong defenders of nature, believing in pageant's motto Beauties for a Cause.
That is why this time, I drew inspiration from Slovenian forests, which not only have important ecological and social functions, but also lend exceptional beauty to the Slovenian landscape, emerging in beautiful fairy style gown, capturing Laura's essence: her grace, her spark and her timeless beauty.
Keep your fingers crossed for her final performance and best classification on Miss Earth world final 2015, held on 5 December in Vienna, Austria!
My Personal Style: White Bride In Valley Of Fire October 17 2015, 9 Comments
Valley of Fire is located near Las Vegas in state of Nevada and it derives its name from red sandstone formations, formed from great shifting sand dunes during the age of dinosaurs, 150 million years ago. Complex uplifting and faulting of the region, followed by extensive erosion, have created the beautiful, super photogenic landscape. And so it was a must to make some beautiful editorial pictures there. Blue sky and red rocks were just calling for a white contrast, such as this chic ensemble of stone embellished jacket and long mermaid skirt.
Looking for a winter wedding dress? This look is absolutely perfect, since the jacket has long sleeves, not to mention the fact that you will look absolutely stunning and innovative, going for a long evening skirt, matched with peplum jacket. And the embellished shoulders – aren’t they just sooooo adorable?
THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, jacket, belt, earrings & clutch
Silver, white gold & BVLGARI rings
EVIL EYE and silver bracelet
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Beautiful Bride With The Lie by JPZ February 22 2015, 3 Comments
If you are not a classic bride and you are having a hard time finding your perfect, elegant, chic, yet elegant and modern wedding dress, then look to our beautiful white gowns from FALL WINTER 2014/2015 collection. We represent to you four different and unique styles, appropriate for all of you, who are getting married in the nearby future, when the weather is still a bit cold. Here at The Lie by JPZ we love the trumpet silhouette. It shows off a woman's curves while the voluminous skirt moves beautifully as you walks down the aisle and dance the night away. Be unique and add some winter accessories - lara's hat instead of tiara or veil, fur collar or short jacket instead of classic bolero and leather gloves instead of the silk ones and do not be afraid to use even statement belt and clutch. This way, using non traditional accessories, you will create unique and chic wedding style and you will not be worried about how cold the weather is gonna be. The colder, the better - you are gonna look like a snow queen from Russian winter fairytale.
For your perfect wedding look, do not hesitate to contact us at, and together, we will create unique style you absolutely deserve.