My Personal Style (& Toughts): Friday Night Fever/Girls Just Wanna Have Fun March 21 2020, 0 Comments
Drage moje! V teh časih samoizolacije, ko nekateri živijo v strahu zaradi zdravja ali ekonomskih posledic, ki jih bo pustil vurus COVID-19, je še toliko bolj pomembno, da stopimo skupaj. Da smo prijazni drug do drugega bolj kot kdajkoli prej. Strpni. Ljubeči. Za kaj točno gre, kako zelo hudo je in kakšna (če sploh) teorija zarote je zadaj, ne vem. Vem pa, da je po bitki lahko biti general, medtem ko jih med bitko zmore biti le bore malo. Kakorkoli, ostanite zdravi in pazite nase kolikor se le da.
Sem med tistimi redkimi srečnicami, ki ima kar nekaj izjemnih prijateljev in prijateljic okoli sebe...
Zelo rade se družimo, če nam le čas dopušča in tokratna samoizolacija terja svoj davek tudi tu - da se s svojimi dragimi dekleti ne morem družiti, smejati, jeziti, jokati in preprosto biti jaz - v živo.
In tako me je delo na računalniku odneslo v mapo, ustvarjeno junija 2019, kjer so fotografije večera, preden je moja draga prijateljica Yovi rekla usodni DA!
Pre-wedding party je potekal v prelepi hrvaški Opatiji. Dostikrat rada rečem da "friends that dress together, stay together". Tako večer kot priložnost sta bila popolna za dolge obleke The Lie by JPZ obleke, dopolnjene s pasovi in torbicami.
Minuli petek sva z mojo drago Natašo Godler iz NatashaSPAce Mediesthetic naredili Insta Live, kjer je bilo govora o garderobni omari, ureditvi le-te, kombiniranju barv, osnovnih kosih... Posnetek bo v kratkem naložen tudi na IGTV, da si ga boste tiste, ki ste zamudile predvsem prijeten ženski večer, lahko ogledale...
In ko smo pri prijetnih ženskih večerih... Drage moje, tiste, ki me spremljate, dobro veste, da vas dostikrat pozivam, da ne iščite izgovorv o tem, kako nimate priložnosti, da bi si oblekle dolgo obleko, nadele nakit in naličile svoj obraz. In sedaj, bolj kot kdajkoli prej, apeliram na vas - ustvarite si priložnost - in to DOMA! To počnete zase, za nikogar drugega, zato apeliram na vas, da si naslednji petek oblečete svojo najljubšo obleko, naredite svoj “killer” make up, zmešate svoje najljubše razmerje gin-a in tonic-a in preprosto uživate v tem, da ste - ŽENSKA!
In the middle of this health scare, more than ever let’s not forget to be kind to one another.
I was worried a bit whether I am not being too extra in these harsh times... But then I figured - f*ck that, I am an artist! And creating stuff for you guys is what I am and what defines me. And since I am not able to execute my usual creative processes, I decided this past Friday to do something different. Creatives are here to make people feel a little less alone, to distract and entertain, so I did my first Insta live with another amazing woman, incredible skin expert, Nataša Godler from NatashaSPAce Mediesthetic.
I am one of those few lucky women who has some really great friends around...
We love to hang out whenever time allows us, and so the time of self-isolation requires a tax here too - that I cannot hang out with my dear girls, be crazy, laugh, be angry, cry, and simply be me - in person, just sitting next to each other.
And so, working on my computer took me to a folder with beautiful photos, created in June 2019, the night before my dear friend Yovi said I DO.
The pre-wedding party was held in beautiful Croatian saside city called Opatija. I often say "friends that dress together, stay together". Both the evening and the occasion were perfect for The Lie by JPZ long dresses, completed with our statement belts and handbags.
As mentioned before, Natasha and I did Insta Live this past Friday, where we talked about the wardrobe, how to arrange it, how to combine colors and what are those basic pieces, every woman should have in her closet. It was a perfect Friday night fever, where girls just simply had - FUN.
My dear fashionistas, those of you who follow me, know very well that I often urge you not to look for excuses about not having the opportunity to put on a long dress, wear jewelry and do your glam make up. So now, even more than ever, I appeal to you - create the opportunity - at HOME! You do this for yourself, for no one else, so I urge you to wear your favorite dress next Friday, do your killer make up, prepare your favorite cocktail and just enjoy being - A WOMAN! Stay healthy, stay dafe and stay at home!
THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown, belt & bucket bag
THE LIE BY JPZ long summer dress, belt & straw bag
THE LIE BY JPZ evening gown & saddle bag