Blog, News & Styling Tips
My Personal Style: Belt Bags & Bomber Jackets 24:7 For Every Occasion December 01 2019, 0 Comments
Whether you call it a fanny pack or belt bag or moon bag or belly bag or bum bag - the truth of the matter is they've made it's major comeback and found the way to your sportiest and chicest looks! Yes, you can and should wear them all the time (not to mention the bonus of being hands-free!). Same goes for the bomber jacket - this sporty and diverse piece (that you can find in our latest collection in a very chic version) has now become a focal point of elegant looks - and we are loving it!
THE LIE BY JPZ pleated skirt, bomber jacket & belt bag
H&M shirt
YSL sunnies
JIMMY CHOO sandals
My Personal Style: Fall Sporty Layers September 14 2019, 0 Comments
That chilly early fall mornings that transfer into warm afternoons... Calm and extremely beautiful, surrounded by nature in warm fall colors. And, also, the perfect time of the year for some serious layering. Coordinating leather, silk, lace and velvet with wool chunky knits being thrown into the mix for some warm texture. And while the instinct to wear tons of clothes is a natural reaction to the weather, expert layering is way easier said than done. Nonstrategic layering can quickly lead to sloppy, bulky puff, so always make sure: while layering, keep your bottom clothes tight and fit, since layered upper clothes will probably make you wider in your upper part of the body. Also - adding beautifully tailored coat on top of layers will do the trick and make you look sleek & chic. Add a fun fall bag and you are good to go enjoying fall weekend looking stylish while keeping warm in the early mornings and evenings when the temperatures get chilly.
Photo by Tamara Vidmar
THE LIE BY JPZ coat & bag
GUCCI sunnies
UGG boots
My Personal Style: Perugia/Italian Days Part 2 May 12 2019, 0 Comments
Ahhh, Perugia. Beautiful Perugia, with outstanding views, famous Perugina factory and delicious Baci chocolate. Despite the April weather in May (from sun, to rain & wind), time spent in this magnificent city truly is a food for your soul. And - mentioning the food - the best homemade pasta (pici or strangozzi), you'll find in Loft cafe and restaurant, just 20 meters away from the main square Piazza IV Novembre towards Piazza Italia.
So - putting comfort first - for a sightseeing I always go for comfortable looks. I start with sneakers and (most often in spring and summer) sport pants and then I am building up the look with statement pieces, until the final result is CHIC. Amazing bag, jewelry and sunglasses are always a must when transforming a casual look to something extra.
NEW YORKER sweater
FENDI sunnies
Vintage jacket
ADIDAS pants
GUCCI sneakers
My Personal Style: When In Riga With Baker Boy (Hat) April 16 2019, 0 Comments
Whether you call it a baker boy hat, newsboy cap or a bandit cap (I kind of like this one the most haha), the early 20th century head-topper has had a major fashion resurgence. Hollywood A-listers and runway walkers alike have adorned the hat last year and it looks like they aren't going anywhere in the near future.
And with the winter months rolling out, give your beanie a break and give baker boy hats a spin! As you may know, I am all about accessories and hats are an important part of this category. For my last trip to Riga, Latvia, I decided for a beautiful textured all black look (just take a look at this stunning dress from our FW 18/19 collection and fur trimmed black coat from FW 15/16 collection) and decided to give it a pop of color and a sprinkle of fun with indigo blue baker boy hat and a matching cross body bag. Are we on the same page here, that this hat-outfit combination is just a total win in our books?
THE LIE BY JPZ coat, dress, coin bracelet, cross body bag & baker boy hat
CHANEL brooch
LESILLA over the knee boots
My Personal Style: 70's Style Goddess April 15 2019, 0 Comments
Who else loves turning into past and creating chic retro inspired looks? Just being able to choose the best from certain eras and present it in your own way today, in 21st century. That's why we love fashion, right? just being able to express ourselves in every possible way - that's what fashion gives us.
THE LIE BY JPZ pants, turtleneck, jacket & bracelet bag
CHLOE sunnies
My Personal Style: Sundays in Madrid April 14 2019, 0 Comments
Sunny Spanish Sundays in Madrid and The Lie by JPZ long flowy summer dress = PERFECT COMBINATION! Just quickly checking in from warm and beautiful Madrid. Can't wait for the warm temperatures to really hit in so we can throw on a long statement dress and look fabulous without much effort! Do you feel me, ladies?
THE LIE BY JPZ dress, 14K gold ring bracelet & straw bag
CELINE sunnies
RENINI sandals
My Personal Style: Death Valley & Black Textures April 13 2019, 1 Comment
Beautiful Californian sun, gorgeous views and hot sand... So much beauty for one to experience in one of the hottest places in the world. I never get tired of this picturesque drive from Las Vegas, Nevada, through Death Valley towards the most amazing mountains in Mammoth Lakes, California. Whenever you get the chance, try it, you won’t regret it, I promise!
Regarding this three piece look - I love mixing & matching in all the aspects, so when designing, I always use the opportunity to have a creation made from singular pieces. This way, I give you the opportunity to wear them in several looks and have lots of fun and creative moments with them!
THE LIE BY JPZ top, skirt, chiffon train skirt, 14K gold ring bracelet & belt
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Travel Diary: London Calling February 10 2019, 0 Comments
Ahhh, London! City, dear to my heart and soul. City I've been visiting at least once a year since I was 3 years old. City, where I was buying my Freed ballet shoes back in my dancing days. City, where danced my favorite ballet dancer, Darcey Bussel. City, where I saw first musical. City, where toast with butter tastes better than anywhere else in the world. And the list could go on and on...
Being comfortable, warm and feeling good while sightseeing is also the key to look good. After a long day visiting attractions and museums and running around underground, catching your train, you won't look as a super posh fashionista even in the best heels and the most elegant coat, if you will barely walk from your foot pain or you'll be freezing to death. While traveling, go for comfortable outfits and you rather make them bold with statement accessories.
THE LIE BY JPZ fur jacket & belt bag
GUCCI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
ZARA jeans
Obviously, you can find amazing places with amazing food. I am talking about the world cuisine since traditional English food is really not my cup of tea. But the place you have to visit if you are a sushi lover and you want the best performance for the price you pay is Sushi Eatery, located on 40 Firth Street in Soho.
Bill at Sushi Eatery must be paid in cash (£20), you’ve got an hour and a half to be in and out, you can choose 6 rounds with additional first round where you choose from the menu 8 warm dishes and drinks are paid on top.
Worried about an hour and a half and only 7 rounds? Well, don't be. The portions are generous and we barely make it to the fourth round (usually to the third, but if we are really hungry, we squeeze in the fourth one as well). I don’t think it’s possible to get through more than four rounds, but if you do, well, than you definitely deserve a pat on the back!
Despite the name, this spot isn't just about the sushi. You can choose from a good range of Japanese dishes, from edamame and tempura vegetables to chicken teriyaki, miso soup and meats from the robata grill. Sushi does play the lead role here. There's a range of nigiri, sashimi platters, maki rolls and sushi sets. If, like me, you like are a huge raw salmon fan, you’ll be more than satisfied. And for truly authentic Japanese experience - head downstairs for authentic tatami seating.
Ok, so now you are full of sushi and have just a little bit of space for an amazing dessert, right? Walk to Regent street (approximately 8 minutes away) and grab the BEST CHEESE CAKE! Cakes and Bubbles is located in Hotel Café Royal and it is possible you won't be able get a table, but The World's Best Pastry Chef, voted by The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, Albert Adrià, offers a parade of exceptional desserts: from his signature 'cheese cake' to his egg flan, air waffle and doughnut creations which you can take away in a neat box and have the time of your life while eating it in your hotel room.
As for the city itself, there is no sense loosing the words about all the things you can see and do in London. What are the preferences just depend on what interests you. I always take a walk from Picadilly Circus to Covent Garden, see a musical, check out all the magnificent jewelry at Bentley & Skinner, buy myself a book at one of the amazing book stores (yes, there's many!) and visit Harrods for Godiva chocolate dipped strawberries. That's my London routine, since I've seen most of the attractions and museums already.
My Personal Style: Running Errands In Rainbow January 10 2019, 0 Comments
I do not know about you, but what works for me on a gloomy day, to bust me with energy and get me in a better mood, is adding color to my outfits. Sometimes, a lot of color (obviously)! So, in this outfit is just all about The Lie by JPZ blue fur vest and sequinned bag from our latest FW 18/19 collection. These two pieces really are an eye-catchers, agree?
THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, belt & sequinned bag
ZARA pants
FENDI sunnies
TOP SHOP beanie
NEW YORKER sweater
GUCCI sneakers
My Personal Style: Black On White December 16 2018, 0 Comments
Oh, how I love winter! I can honestly say it's my favorite time of the year - Christmas, chunky knits, fur, lots of layering and of course - snow! Here's a cosy yet chic Sunday look, combining sporty lower part with elegant bag and statement fur vest for a walk in a winter wonderland!
THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, beanie & sheer shopper bag
ADIDAS tiro training pants
H&M gloves
FIREFLY snow boots
Drage dame!
Ne zamudite enkratne priložnosti in se naučite vse o stilu in modi! Zakorakajte v Novo Leto samozavestnejše, pripravljene na nove podvige in uspehe! Naša zunanja podoba je sila pomembna. Prvi vtis, preden spregovorimo, vedno naredimo s svojim videzom, zato je ta resnično zelo pomemben, bolj, kot si lahko predstavljate! Ste od nekdaj občudovale modne ikone? Ste si to tudi želele postati, pa niste vedele, kako? Sedaj imate priložnost, da se vsega tega tudi naučite na edinstvenem MasterClassu, ki bo potekal 1.12.2018 v Ljubljani, pod vodstvom Jerneje P. Zhembrovskyy!
Zakaj MasterClass JPZ?
Ker je to eden izmed najbolj interaktivnih MasterClass-ov, kjer boš primorana v konstantno sodelovanje in spraševanje. Predvsem zato, da boš lahko ob tej enkratni priložnosti, ko imaš na voljo strokovnjaka, izrabila njegovo prisotnost in na ta način odnesla veliko informacij, ki ti bodo služile za tvoje osebno zadovoljstvo in samozavest. Ker veš, da bi rada uživala v modi in se skozi stil tudi osebno izrazila, vendar ne veš kako. Ker se zavedaš, da je v poplavi vseh in vsega, danes bolj kot kadarkoli prej pomembno, da izraziš samo sebe - na vseh področjih, tudi na stilskem - ter tako stopitš iz množice in si utreš pot do uspeha. Ker bo na koncu čas namenjen tudi za tvoja osebna vprašanja in tvoje specifične težave pri osebnem stilu.
Kaj vse boš pridobila z JPZ MasterClass-om?
Pogledale si bomo:
-kaj je moda in kaj stil
-kdaj slediti smernicam in kdaj ne
-zakaj je osebni stil tako zelo pomemben
-tipi postav in kako se obleči glede na tip postave
-poslovna moda (kodeks poslovnega oblačenja)
-kaj je to black tie, cocktail, business casual?
-kako urediš svojo garderobno omaro
-triki za lažje sestavljanje outfit-ov
-osnovni kosi vsake garderobe
-trenutni trendi
-najpogostejše težave in tabuji stilskega (ne)izražanja
decembrski glamur in kako ga izrabiti na več načinov
-kako negovati odnos s partnerjem tudi skozi stil
-kdaj prisluhniti partnerju in zakaj je to pomembno
-osebno posvetovanje z Jernejo
In za konec še:
Ja, drage dame, po vsem tem, pa vas čaka še vrečka presenečenja s številnimi ugodnostmi in popusti pri izbranih modnih trgovinah in restavracijah. In - ker najslajše vedno pride na koncu - po MasterClassu bomo izžrebali srečno udeleženko, ki bo postala ponosna lastnica The Lie by JPZ usnjene shopper torbice!
Zaradi vsega naštetega in še veliko več, te vabimo v prijetno družbo, kjer boš naredila največ za sebe in začela praznični december tako, kot se šika - z obdarovanjem same sebe!
Investicija v tvoj osebni stil znaša 250€.
Za zgodnje modne navdušenke pa cena znaša 200€!
MasterClass bo potekal v Ljubljani, v soboto, 1.12.2018, od 14.30 do 19.30!
Število je omejeno, prijave sprejemamo do zapolnitve prostih mest, na: ali na telefonski številki 030 777 731
Kdo je Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy?
Jerneja danes sodi med izjemne in talentirane oblikovalce ter stiliste, vendar je kot majhna deklica želela postati balerina. Rojena je v Ljubljani, baletno akademijo pa je končala v Amsterdamu, na Nizozemskem, kjer je diplomirala z odliko leta 2008. Vendar usoda je imela zanjo drugačne načrte. Jerneja je 20.10.2010 ustanovila lastno blagovno znamko The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy.
Njena popularnost kot oblikovalka je rasla skupaj z njenimi ženstvenimi, urbanimi in elegantnimi dizajni. Občudovana zaradi svojega osebnega stila in estetike, je Jerneja tudi zaželjena stilistka mnogim, zaupajo ji slovenske pevske zvezde Nuša Derenda, Rebeka Dremelj, Natalija Verboten, Helena Blagne, Vesna Zornik, pa tudi glasbenice mlajše generacije - Ines Erbus, Nina Donelli, pa še bi lahko naštevali. Njena vizija in njeni izdelki so zaželjeni tudi v tujini, med drugimi jih nosijo nizozemska filmska igralka Carolien Spoor, kanadska Playboyeva lepotica Khloe Terae ter znani influencerki, dvojčici Klaudia in Laura Badura, nazadnje pa ji je svojo podobo zaupala tudi italijanska kraljeva družina, Bourboni dveh Sicilij in tako so v njenih kreacijah blestele princese Camilla de Bourbon, Carolina de Bourbon in Chiara de Bourbon.
Jerneja je bila tudi urednica mode in lepote pri reviji Optimistka, kjer je mesečno delila svojo kolumno ter lepotne in modne nasvete z zvestimi bralkami. Pod njeno vizijo, kot kreativna direktorica blagovne znamke The Lie by JPZ, se je asortiman razširil v obširno ponudbo oblačil, večernih in poročnih oblek, torbic, pasov, pokrival, rokavic in nakita. Danes so njene kreacije sinonim za luksuz in zagotovo predstavljajo umetnost na področju nosljive mode. Prepoznavne po svojem zelo dodelanem in izrecnem stilu, kreacije skrbijo, da blagovna znamka ostaja močna ter iz leta v leto raste.
My Personal Style: All About The Contrasts May 06 2018, 0 Comments
Those who follow me and my brand, know very well, that I love contrasts. I spoke about them many times before. However, this time, I am creating contrast with a classic blazer, classic shopper bag, heels and - here it comes - track pants. Yes, this trend is not new at all - track pants with heels is already becoming a classic and we love it, but these looks are still mostly sporty. Extremely chic, but sporty, while iconic 3-stripe styles from Adidas Originals work anytime. Adidas originals mens 83-c vintage track pants are, when styled with heels and other elegant pieces, perfect even for a busy work day. Agree?
Photo by: Tamara Vidmar Photography
THE LIE BY JPZ blazer, coin bracelet & shopper bag
GUCCI sunnies
ALDO ankle boots
My Prsonal Style: Purples & Reds April 28 2018, 0 Comments
Let's face it, ladies - black is a go-to color for almost everyone and most of people stick with their classic black and white pieces on a rack while completely ignoring gorgeous colors like fuchsia, indigo blue, red, purple...
But why, why are bright, fun colors so often overlooked? Most of people are secretly terrified of styling them the wrong way or think that colors just simply don't look well on them. Every woman has her own set of color matching rules, that's normal, but most of the rules are restrictive, unfortunately involving more "don't"s than "do"s. And that's such a shameeee!!! Cause in reality, you can wear more colors together than you think. And lets face two important facts:
1. color blocking is oh so IN!
2. You can now fearlessly rock neon yellow red heels without Grandma's belt-shoe-bag rule ringing in your ear, which is sooooo OUT!
Now, these last sunny days made me wear our new Spring/Summer 2018 collection (including purple blazer dress and python shopper bag with red handles) and regarding the two rules mentioned above - well, I guess the pictures will speak for itself. Right?
Photo by: Maja Waiss
THE LIE BY JPZ dress, bracelet & shopper bag
CHANEL brooch
MIU MIU sunnies
CASADEI over the knee boots
My Personal Style: Sunday Style With A Pop of Color & The Lie by JPZ Eyewear April 22 2018, 0 Comments
Once Sunday knocks on my door it’s time to get my casual chic game face on. Sunday style for me equals comfortable clothes with chic, fun and colororful statement accessories. I elevated black and white with our big orange bag and statement white cat eye sunglasses. So, go on a city stroll, grab a glass of wine and relax this Sunday afternoon.
THE LIE BY JPZ bomber jacket, bag & sunglasses
ADIDAS tiro pants
GUCCI pumps
My Personal Style: Baker Boy Hats March 08 2018, 0 Comments
Oh yes, it's so good to pair a few statement pieces to really get that super unique personal look. In this ensemble it's all about them; ruffle wool dress, embellished bag, leather choker with a golden pin and - baker boy hat. This trend is massive lately. It's a hat style you see constantly across all major fashion capitals and which I feel will be the hat trend that dominates also in 2018. So, heading toward sping - hop in the LBD, throw over your favorite coat and get into the retro vibe with our stylish baker boy hats... Dear ladies - they are coming in gorgeous eye-catching colors in our SS 2018 Collection.
THE LIE BY JPZ ruffle wool dress, leather choker, bag & baker boy hat
ZLATARSTVO OROŽ 14K gold choker neklace
CHANEL brooch
The Lie by JPZ X Style Maker Denise Dame February 19 2018, 0 Comments
Always happy to see our Style Makers rocking The Lie by JPZ couture & accesories. Here's Denise Dame, looking absolutely gorgeous in a stylish Slovenian restaurant & hotel Ob železnici, wearing:
Outfit no. 1:
The Lie by JPZ lace blouse & pants, leather belt, bum bag, wool jacket & fur vest;
Outfit no. 2:
The Lie by JPZ pussy bow blouse, wool jacket, leather belt, leather gloves, skirt & fur stole
Outfit no. 3:
The Lie by JPZ flare pants, top, fur vest & bag
Outfit no. 4:
The Lie by JPZ blouse, leather belt, skirt, leather gloves & fur stole.
Picture perfect were made again by the one & only Tibor Golob.
Hair: Kristijan Skamljič
Make up: Mojca Škof
The Lie by JPZ X Style Maker Gaja Prestor Alias The Lie by JPZ Bridal Collection Reveal Final Countdown vol.1 February 18 2018, 0 Comments
Ahhhh, we are so so proud here at The Lie by JPZ. With our bridal collection almost coming out, dedicated to all romantic, urban, minimalist or avant-garde brides and their bridesmaids, we just had to share this beautiful editorial of our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Gaja Prstor, looking absolutely stunning in our black gown from bridal collection. Shot in picturesque Prague, all this beauty was captured by our dear & talented photographer Tibor Golob.
Dear brides, it's the final countdown, The Lie by JPZ bridal collection is launching soon and we can't wait to show it to you
Foto: Tibor Golob
My Top Fashion Picks On Our Stylemaker Rebeka Dremelj's New Blog November 07 2017, 0 Comments
Hey ladies!
I guess I always loved writing and it's probably in my DNA since my mom is a journalist.
Over the years, i have written many columns and articles on fashion, but here's a new project, very dear to my heart. Why? Cause from now on I will share my top fashion picks on new blog, launeched yesterday, ran by our all time favorite The Lie by JPZ Stylemakers, Rebeka Dremelj! Yes, I love her. We've started working together 8 years ago and since developed a very close friendship. Maybe we don't see each othyer as often as we would like (or need to), but it's one of those relationships you just know that when I am in need, it's her I can always turn to.
So, take a look at our top 5 fall fashion picks on our The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Rebeka Dremelj's new blog - some of you may not understand, but I guess pictures are also in this case worth more than a thousand words: NEPREMAGLJIVA.SI
Drage moje!
Tokrat objavo na našem blogu pišem tudi v Slovenščini - prvič. Preprosto zato, ker je bolj kot našim tujim strankam in bralcem, namenjen vam, drage Slovenke.
Od nekdaj sem rada pisala in pisanje je verjetno zasidrano v mojem DNK-ju, saj je novinarka moja mami. Skozi leta sem ustvarila veliko kolumn in člankov na temo mode, tokratni nov projekt pa mi je še posebej pri srcu. Zakaj? Kajti od sedaj naprej bom svojih top 5 modnih kosov, ki jih preprosto morate imeti v svoji omari (tako kot Rebeka), delila z vami na njenem novem blogu! Ja, zelo jo imam rada. Sodelovati sva začeli 8 let nazaj in od takrat spletli tesno prijateljstvo. Takšno, za katero preprosto veš, da se, ko si v stiski, lahko zaneseš nanj.
Torej, drage moje, klik na nov Rebekin blog in odkrijte, katerih top 5 jesenskih kosov prepristo ne sme manjkati v vaši garderobi: NEPREMAGLJIVA.SI
Just In. New Arrivals. Embrace Yourself With Fall Blacks & Greens. Shop Now. October 11 2016, 2 Comments
New season is knocking on the door and I am sure that all of you fashionistas out there can hardly wait to change your wardrobe. The chilly fall days have arrived and no matter your style there are always key pieces of the season that are just absolute must have!
This time, we go for classic blacks and bold greens!
You know - fringes are hot. Super hot. And when combined with a timeless model, such as our trapezoid family totes, in eye catching combination of black patent leather and poisonous green soft nappa, it surely will make people around you green with envy. Do you dare?
Our statement Black Rock Chick Chic Golden Quote Clutch is perfect for all those, who like avant-garde accessory with luxurious hardware. Logo plate is accompanied with two golden plated fashion quote plques: "Fashion dies... But style is immortal" and "Fashion is all about eventually becoming naked..." Make it even more unique and go for your own two favourite fashion quotes and we'll engrave them especially for you!
The minimalistic shopper in matte croc leather and with combination of silver and golden studs is an ultimate classic and perfect to match with any attire. If you are one of those, who love mixing silver and golden jewellery, then this is the bag to go for this season.
With eye-catching red zebra pattern, combined with green lizard soft leather, our cute Tassel Pochette Green Lizard & Sexy Red Zebra demand to be the focal point of your look. Add a hint of attitude to your outfit and make a statement. Whenever, wherever.
Our sleek Classic Beauty Black Patent Rock Chick is an eternal investment piece. Silver hardware makes this bag chic, urban and timeless accessory, perfect for fall and winter statement looks.
Shop Trapezoid Small Envy Green Fringed Delight Tote
Shop Black Rock Chick Chic Golden Quote Clutch
Shop Basic Minimalistic Shopper Matte Black Croc Stud Party
Shop Tassel Pochette Green Lizard & Sexy Red Zebra
Shop Classic Beauty Black Patent Rock Chick
My Personal Style: Fall Layering Tricks September 29 2016, 2 Comments
The sun starts to set a little earlier and there’s an undeniable crisp chill in the air... Season of layering and chic outerwear has officially begun!
Yup, fall is around the corner indeed and for many fashion lovers, it's favourite period of the year! Why? Because it's time for some serious layering and layering your clothes is one of the most effective ways to put together a unique and interesting outfit.
When layering, you have to try contrasting colours as well as experiment with different fabrics and textures. Creating contrasts with materials such as wool, leather, fur, silk and knitwear will add an extra dimension to your look. Beside the stylish part, layering is also super practical during transitional weather period, when temperatures tend to vary a lot from morning till dawn. You just take off the coat or jacket and you're quickly adapted for warmer temperature.
In this look, I played with many different materials - leather, faux leather, wool, fur and knit and black colour was a base for the colourful pieces such as our best seller ruffle coat in turquoise, purple python skin boots and or amazing fur collar in beautiful mix of black, silver, purple and blue. Adding an unexpected twist to the look was crucial because of the colour matching, so pop of red zebra pattern in a form of the cutest little clutch, attached to my bigger tote was the perfect eye catching accessory to complement this layered fall look.
Dare to go bold this fall and create unexpected layering looks that are sure to make you stand out.
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, blazer, coat, fur collar & both bags
ZARA turtleneck
PRADA sunnies
Custom made golden bangles
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
Evil eye golden bracelet
Link silver bracelet
Vintage golden bracelets
SPAZIO MODA python boots
Are You A Mediterranean Bride...? September 02 2016, 1 Comment
Fall wedding season has just started and we are ready for it. Here at the Lie by JPZ we just love urban and minimalist brides! Are you a Mediterranean Bride? Will your most beautiful and romantic day happen on marvelous Mediterranean landscape? Then you just have to go for ruffles and lace, captured in a beautiful clean and unfussy mermaid line gown from our Cruise 2017 collection Señorita. Step with us into the world of palm trees, oleanders, olive and citrus trees and live our breath-taking cruise fairytale...

My Personal Style: Beachin' With Statement Belt August 28 2016, 0 Comments
Statement belt is certainly an accessory that can make any look glamorous in an instant. Also, when we come down to beach outfits. I like to keep it simple, with a nice bikini and cool tunic or scarf, but it's the belt, along with other accessories - if you dare to go a bit further, that will add that extra bit of style to your look. So, fill your closet with outstanding waist pieces and take your beach look to the next level by slipping on that gorgeous belt.
Oh, an don’t forget – you can still shop your favourite The Lie by JPZ straw bag styles, up to 20% off!!!
THE LIE BY JPZ 14k golden ring bracelet, belt, silk scarf & straw bag
Hat found on local beach market in Alicante
Custom made golden bangles
ALESSI GIOELLI rose gold bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
Evil eye golden & rose gold bracelets
CELINE sunnies
GUCCI sandals
My Personal Style: 70s Vibes & Metallic Details August 19 2016, 2 Comments
Whether you are looking for something to update your downtime wardrobe, need something for the upcoming holiday or, if you're already back from vacation starting your working routine and you just want to add some refreshment to your business attires, this season 70's fashion is making a comeback. So running errands in our gorgeous SS 2016 CiTy cHiC collection trench dress with wide collar and metallic accessories were the perfect business look choice. Fresh, urban and edgy with Sufficient dose of elegance. - this is the recipe we love, right, The Lie by JPZ ladies?
This coming season, go bold in 70's vibes because whites and metallics are still hot!
THE LIE BY JPZ 14k golden ring bracelet, leather choker, dress & bag
Custom made golden bangles
ALESSI GIOELLI rose gold bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
CELINE sunnies
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Travel Diary: Romania Part 3 - Sibiu August 17 2016, 2 Comments
Sibiu is a beautiful city in Transylvania, located 215 km north-west of Bucharest. Now the capital of Sibiu County, in the past - between 1692 and 1791 and 1849-1865 Sibiu was the capital of the Principality of Transylvania.
Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centre of Romania and was designated the European Capital of Culture for the year 2007. You just can not help yourself but to fall in love with it, once you are there. With small streets, beautiful old houses, cute restaurants, bakeries and antique shops, Sibiu is almost a copy of Ljubljana's old town, my home, so I guess this is one of the reasons I was immediately stunned by this adorable place. When there, just relax, enjoy good food, nice people and get carried away by amazing repertoires - Sibiu has three theatres, philharmonic orchestra and an annual festival of performing arts, called Sibiu International Theatre Festival. Interestingly - the old city of Sibiu was ranked as "Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live" by Forbes in 2008.
Rich with museums and theatres, Sibiu is a place to see for every culture lover out there.
THE LIE BY JPZ 14k golden ring bracelet, belt & clutch
PHARD dress
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden bracelets
Custom made golden necklaces & bangles
DENISI JUVELIR custom made name necklace
ALESSI GIOELLI rose gold bracelet
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
CELINE sunnies
GUCCI flats
Travel Diary: Romania Part 2 - Clubbing August 14 2016, 1 Comment
I’ve seen a lot of the world and visited many parties. But, no one does it better than the Romanians. I love club Loft in Bucharest. It’s the perfect fusion of amazing kitchen, bar, breath taking architecture, good music and amazing party. The concept of dining which slowly transforms to partying is simply the best for me. With this original concept Loft generates its own special energy. Like they say – to truly understand what Loft is all about, you have to be there at least once. And I promise – you won’t regret it! There, you truly start to realize that dining could happen at a spiritual level.
So, now being at Mamaia beach, very well known for amazing beach clubs, visiting Loft Mamaia was a must. They open at 3PM, serving amazing drinks and lunch and eating delicious food spontaneously turns into a party. Yes, the art is, that you barely notice transition…
And what is party without amazing friends? Meet my party animal, The Lie by JPZ Stylemaker Buta Oana Elena! I guess I am a very lucky person. Through my work as a designer, I’ve met so many amazing women that became my great source of inspiration. But some of this relationships turned to great friendships and Oana with her Otto are certainly one of them.
Visiting a beach club also demands a slightly different type of beach outfit. I love to work around a simple bikini, elevating it with silk tunic or scarf, belt, clutch and a lot of jewellery. Jewellery stack stack stack + layer layer layer was a key outfit component this time and I just loved the classic yet sexy result I achieved with it in the end. On the other hand - I loved how Oana worked around a simple white t-shirt, making her statement bra with The Lie by JPZ belt & fringed clutch the focal point of her look. Chic with a sprinkle of boho and a lot, a lot of sexy, Oana surely makes one of our favourite The Lie by JPZ Stylemakers!
THE LIE BY JPZ silk tunic, belt, leather choker, earrings & clutch
Bikini found in a little boutique on Caribbean island of St.Marteen
White gold and silver jewellery from all over the world
CELINE sunnies
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, choker & clutch
Travel Diary: Romania Part 1 - Mamaia Beach August 13 2016, 5 Comments
Ever since I've visited Romania and Bucharest for the first time, I somehow fell in love with it. Beautiful cities, amazing history, nice people and most outstanding clubs and restaurants with delicious food are the reasons every traveler should visit this great country. And after beautiful cities, there comes luxurious seaside with beautiful Mamaia beach. Considered to be Romania's most popular resort, Mamaia is situated north-east of Constanza's city center on the Romanian Black Sea shore. Populated mostly during the summer, Mamaia is the perfect place for good food and music in stylish beach clubs. From a wide range of exclusive beach clubs, my pick during the day was Fratelli Beach&Club, serving a complete experience: delightful food in a beautifully designed restaurant and cozy big white wooden seats with even bigger umbrellas to protect and give you the much needed shadow from the hot sun. With beautiful beach setting and decor, feel free to go to the beach as chic as you can, since this is is surely the place where you'll see plenty of very good beach looks - yup, Romanian beauties know very well how it's done. Just throw on your favorite bikini and glam it up with some killer accessories - cool sunglasses, statement jewelry and a gorgeous bag will certainly do the trick!
THE LIE BY JPZ 14k golden ring bracelet & clutch
Bikini found in a little boutique on Caribbean island of St.Marteen
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden bracelets
Custom made golden necklaces & bangles
DENISI JUVELIR custom made name necklace
ALESSI GIOELLI rose gold bracelet
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
CELINE sunnies
My Personal Style: Friday Chic With Playful Straw Bag August 12 2016, 0 Comments
I love twist in an outfit. An unexpected accessory always does the trick. You might think that with elegant pants, blouse and pumps there is no other choice but a classic tote to go with. Well, you are wrong... Summer straw bag makes the look cool, fresh and extremely stylish!
Don’t forget – now you can shop your favourite The Lie by JPZ straw bag styles, up to 20% off!!!
THE LIE BY JPZ tassel necklace & straw bag
H&M blouse & pants
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
My Personal Style: Fringe & Pom Pom Drama August 11 2016, 0 Comments
Creating a little bit of drama with an outfit is always fun and the easiest way to do it are – fringes! You want some more drama? Add a chic straw bag with colorful pom poms. Ok, now you just have to balance a bit and go for a neutral piece, such as white shirt – this time, I borrowed mine from his closet.
In summer, etno inspired outfits with an urban twist are the ones I love the most and they can be easily achieved by handicrafted luxurious straw bags. Glamorously embellished with coloured pom poms, golden studs and leather fringes, this impossibly gorgeous straw bag will make your summer look playful, effortlessly chic, yet highly sophisticated. Don’t forget – now you can shop your favourite The Lie by JPZ straw bag styles, up to 20% off!!!
THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, tassel necklace & straw bag
HUGO BOSS men's shirt
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Shop Summer Beauty Red Fringed Round Multi Color Pom Pom Straw Bag
Get The Ultimate Summer Trend And Become The Lie By JPZ Stylemaker - Straw Bag Mania! August 08 2016, 3 Comments
There is nothing more beautiful when traditional craft meets fashion and luxury. This is when craft becomes art...
The manufacture of woodenware is one of the oldest and most widespread handicrafts in Slovenia, called "suha roba". In the 15th century, the inhabitants of the Ribnica and Kočevje regions were granted the right to sell their woodenware and pottery products throughout the Hapsburg's Austrian Empire, and the Ribnica peddler or so called »krošnjarji« became famous – travelling salesmen who packed their goods in a basket and sold them throughout Slovenia, the Alpine countries and Dalmatia. They even traded with Africa and India and became a familiar and welcome figure across Europe.
Today, even though the tradition of "suha roba" and "the krošnjarji" is only kept alive by a few, heritage of manufacturing continues also through luxurious The Lie by JPZ straw bags, combining quality, tradition, luxury and impeccable style.
It's been four years since here at The Lie by JPZ the first straw bag was born and today, we can honestly say that straw bag trend is one of the hottest must have trends all over the world, that any true fashionista understands and follows.
Glamorously garnished with golden studs, black lace, beautiful black flowers, pom poms and leather fringes, this impossibly gorgeous summer straw bags will make your summer look effortlessly chic, yet highly sophisticated whether in the city, on the beach or countryside.
It takes 2-3 full days to create The Lie by JPZ straw bags, so therefore cherish this handicrafted masterpiece and let Slovenian fading craft elevate your look to a whole different level.What's better than finding your favourite The Lie by JPZ straw bag? Finding it on sale, of course! Shop now for your favourite The Lie by JPZ straw bag styles, up to 20% off!!!
Shop NEW ARRIVAL - Summer Beauty Gold Studded Black Rose & Round Flower Straw Bag
Shop NEW ARRIVAL - Summer Beauty Gold Studded Black Daisy & Round Flower Straw Bag
Shop NEW ARRIVAL - Summer Beauty Gold Studded Round Black Pom Pom Straw Bag
Shop NEW ARRIVAL - Summer Beauty Red Fringed Round Multi Color Pom Pom Straw Bag
Shop NEW ARRIVAL - Summer Beauty Turquoise Fringed Square Black Pom Pom Straw Bag
Shop Summer Beauty Gold Studded Black Daisy Straw Bag
Shop Summer Beauty Gold Studded Black Rose Straw Bag
My Personal Style: Pin Up Beach Look August 07 2016, 2 Comments
There is a special sort of fun hitting the beach in chic pin-up girl attire. Curious, how to create vintage retro look on the beach? Just follow the next few hottest tips and you are ready to rock the beach as the real pin-up Goddess - of course, with a slight urban twist...
ONE PIECE: A sleek and chic black one piece is an absolute summer staple. Then and now.
BELT: Accentuate your statue and elevate your one piece with a statement belt. Yes, even, if you are on the beach...
POLKA DOTS: Polka dots were big in the 50's and stayed big ever since... Incorporate them in your pin-up beach look.
BANDANA: This small and cute little accessory in your hair will immediately create the desirable "wow" retro effect.
RED LIPS & NAILS: Whether you are lounging on the sand or sailing through the sea, red lipstick with matching nails is a must that makes the perfect cherry-on-top of your pin up sundae!
STRAW BAG: OK, let's admit - straw bags are big, especially this season and they are so incredibly chic and practical, you just have to incorporate ( at least ) one to your summer wardrobe.
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, swimsuit, bandana & straw bag
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden bracelets
BEBE cuffs
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Shop Gold Star Classic Waist Belt
My Personal Style: Black Shirt Dress On Prvić Island July 06 2016, 4 Comments
A summer staple, easy-to-wear easy-to-go + looking extremely chic: The shirt dress. From office to bar, keep it classic with Shirt Dress - whether simple and sleek or fancy and feminine. And when talking about fancy and feminine aka long shirt dress - well, this is when you'll get the oh wow effect with plenty of compliments! There is something with summer and long dresses, a special love affair which only works in this time of period. And that is why you should embrace the opportunity and wear long dresses as much as you can. They make you feel extremely beautiful, sensual and glamorous and, despite the length, they are comfortable! Hiding everything you want to hide or showing what you want show. Especially perfect for this is a shirt dress. With opening or closing the buttons you will achieve the desirable effect. I love to wear mine more loose, with a statement bra and some cool body chain to really elevate the look and making it more special.
With our sassy The Lie by JPZ long shirt dress we'll definitely take you from an effortless day edge to making an entrance at the summer cocktail party...
THE LIE BY JPZ shirt dress, body chain, belt & straw bag
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye rose gold bracelet from the island od St. Maarten
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Shop Summer Beauty Gold Studded Round Black Pom Pom Straw Bag
My Personal Style: Miramare in marinière July 01 2016, 3 Comments
Marinière stripes are big every season, for years, over and over again. And, to be honest, one of the most stylish summer trends you can never go wrong with.
And, what is great about marine stripes even more is that when you mix them up together, they look extremely cool and fashionable and you don’t have to worry about mixing them in the right way (when it comes down to other patterns, you do have to be careful when mixing & matching them though).
Of course, me being me, I just had to add some extra unexpected twist to the look and complement it with our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ mint python effect leather clutch together with some other statements, such as chunky jewellery and studded belt.
Oh, and the sunsets at castello Miramare are just outstanding…
THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, belt, link bracelet & clutch
ACCESSORIZE cuff & ring
ZARA necklace & shirt
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Shop Small Clutch Blue Python
Shop Chic Rebel Black Wide Belt
My Personal Style: White Button Down, Jeans & Straw Bag To Never Fail In Summer June 23 2016, 2 Comments
You can never be overdressed or underdressed with a cool pair of jeans, beautiful white button down and a chic straw bag. I dare to claim that these are actually the essential pieces in summer months. Throw on flats and go cosy chic or elevate the look with a pair of beautiful heels and you are ready to rock beautiful summer evenings.
This set of pictures was taken in marvelous Krka National Park, located along the middle-lower course of the Krka River in central Dalmatia, in Šibenik-Knin county. With its magnificent waterfalls, this beautiful sight, counted among Croatia's most famous, truly is a must see.
With the outstanding nature, the scenery was just right for this casual combo for comfortable yet stylish sightseeing.
THE LIE BY JPZ blouse, belt, golden ring bracelet & straw bag
PRADA sunnies
ZARA jeans
H&M bra (with added straps)
My Personal Style: Aloha Sunday Sunset June 19 2016, 1 Comment
Unlike studio strobes, natural lighting changes hour to hour, day to day, season to season, and of course, location to location. It’s always something new and different! But for me, the most beautiful is the summer sunset light, always making you look warm & beautiful. The last 30 minutes of daylight, on up to about 20 minutes after sunset are definitely the best recipe on how to make amazing photos for your blog, Facebook, Instagram, or well, just for yourself. Now, from the light, let’s talk about dressing down that has never looked so cool as now, with our stunning fringed summer shoppers. Agree? I like to go casual on Sundays, but still want to create a special, comfortable, yet chic look at the same time.
Special is our IT BAG of the season from cruise 2017 Señorita collection, golden fringed bag with bamboo handles, casual are jeans and this fun sweater, while comfortable yet chic represent this retro inspired cool pair of Renini sandals.
THE LIE BY JPZ fringed bag
CELINE sunnies
RENINI sandals
NEW YORKER sweater
TOP SHOP jeans
My Personal Style: Red Jumpsuit For Saturday Night Out June 11 2016, 1 Comment
Red is the color of extremes. It's the color of passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. Having said that, it is the perfect color for Saturday night out and what better way than doing it effortless cool in our luxurious all-in-one.
Yes, jumpsuits are effortless, chic and fun. But there are some good tips and tricks you should follow :
- Finding a jumpsuit that fits your body perfectly is key to looking polished and put together. Don’t wear anything too tight or too loose.
- Don’t loose your figure. A lot of jumpsuits have either a cloth belt or you can easily add your own belt to define your waist if the jumpsuit isn’t tailored. Emphasising your waist is a great way to give you that curvy look.
- A jumpsuit can easily be dressed up for a formal event, when the style of the jumpsuit is appropriate. All you have to do is accessorize it to fit the party.
So, this Saturday, add some attitude to your wardrobe, make a statement at the party and go for our sexy red jumpsuit, spiced up with green tassel pochette!
THE LIE BY JPZ jacket & bag
CELINE sunnies
JIMMY CHOO sandals
Shop Tassel Pochette Green Lizard & Sexy Red Zebra
My Personal Style: Desert Statements May 20 2016, 3 Comments
Desert statements in the Red Rock Valley...
I guess words can not describe how much I love the photogenic nature of Nevada state. It is located in a mountainous region that includes vast semiarid grasslands and sandy alkali deserts and it is one of the most beautiful places to take amazing pictures - light, colours, sky - everything is just perfect. Last time while in Las Vegas, we've been exploring the Red Rock Valley, and the scenery was just right for a chic black & white outfit with our playful clutch and statement fur trimmed jacket from FW 2014 From Russia With Love Collection.
THE LIE BY JPZ top, skirt, fur trimmed jacket & bag
Evil eye motif silver bracelet
GUCCI heart bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
LE SILLA over the knee suede boots
Shop Tassel Pochette Green Lizard & Sexy Red Zebra
My Personal Style: Weekend Uniform - Saturday Superstar May 14 2016, 4 Comments
There is something easy about throwing on a beautiful statement jacket when the weather is warm that just feels right. No fuss kind of dressing. Add in your favourite jeans and sneakers and you are set for exploring weekend adventures.
When creating an outfit I always focus on the details – what makes it different, special? In this case, contrasts play a significant role - stylish and elegant peplum jacket with edgy zipper, silver metallic tote, lots of jewellery, hair on point, red lips and bold bra paired with simple jeans, tee and sporty Adidas Superstars is what makes this look unique and effortlessly chic. Just the kind of effect you wish on Saturday, right?
THE LIE BY JPZ top, peplum jacket, belt, leather choker & bag
ZARA jeans
ADIDAS Superstar sneakers
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden bracelets
Custom made golden necklaces & bangle
ZLATARSTVO OROŽ custom made name necklace
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
Custom made silver link bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
PRADA sunnies
My Personal Style: Jeans, Grey & Pop Of Yellow May 08 2016, 3 Comments
Pop of yellow will always brighten up your day, especially, if it comes in a form of super chic and funny accessory, such as our furry clutch. In the winter time a luxurious hand muff, in the summer the chicest accessory, to which you can attach another small pochettes in different colours, to perfectly match several looks.
Pop of colour always adds a lot of life to the outfit - it’s a way of adding a real eye-catching piece to your look that will draw attention! Adding a pop of color in the form of a handbag or shoe is the chicest way, while the rest of the look remains simple and neutral.
So, do dare and go bold with our furry yellow clutch!
THE LIE BY JPZ tote & fur clutch
H&M shirt
ZARA jeans & coat
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden bracelets
ZLATARTVO OROŽ name necklace
Custom made golden necklaces & bangle
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
Custom made silver link bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
PRADA sunnies
L'ESTROSA sandals
Become Urban Bride With The Lie by JPZ May 07 2016, 2 Comments
Here at The Lie by JPZ we love to design for modern and urban brides. Clean cuts, romantic draping and sharp lines, complemented with hardware and crystals are those statement characteristics, which define our urban brides to be. Every bride loves her wedding dress but does not plan on wearing it again. Why? Here at The Lie by JPZ we focus on contemporary glamour with a subtle edge and therefore on the possibility of wearing our gowns in many other occasions.
We love to see our brides in elegant, yet less limiting way, creating bold, sleek and extremely glamorous designs, coming also in wedding dress separates, which are a big new wedding trend that brides everywhere are embracing! So, make your wedding day look totally unique with The Lie by JPZ team and use this ahhhmazing 30% discount on all bridal orders in May!
Contact us at !
My Personal Style: 50 Shades Of Brown April 30 2016, 3 Comments
When it comes down to neutrals, try mixing & matching different prints to make the look pop!
THE LIE BY JPZ skirt, leather choker, belt & croc bag
PRADA sunnies
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif golden & silver bracelets
Custom made golden bangles
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
Rose gold with diamonds Fatima palm necklace
GUCCI silver heart bracelet
ZLATARNA CELJE infinity rose gold bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
ALISHA over the knee boots
My Personal Style: 90's Are Back And So Are Chokers! March 28 2016, 3 Comments
The 90’s are back, and show no signs of going anywhere anytime soon, and so are chokers!! But, instead of reaching back in time and throwing on the black plastic wire choker from your teenage years, find a classic and chic update with a modern metal hardware or just a simple leather strap which absolutely works 24:7 - from casual look to glamorous evening gown!
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, bag charm, ruffle coat & bag
MANGO pants & blazer
H&M tee
PRADA sunnies
GUCCI heart bracelet
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif silver and golden bracelets
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
Choker - very very old - from the 90's
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
ALISHA heels
My Personal style: Parka Weather With Pattern Drama March 05 2016, 1 Comment
Dressing up should be fun and you should enjoy in it. And when you mix and match or try to invent new ways of wearing certain pieces - this is when it becomes really fun.
As many of you, who follow our brand, my work and personal style, may already know, I love mixing different patterns, textures and sophisticated layering. So, today I went for pepita, check and aztec pattern with many layers. Or so it seem, because of this amazing double sided scarf, which is great to elevate your style, especially when worn with a belt, so you can nicely accentuate your figure despite the chunky knits.
And talking of knits - is there anything better in a cold weather than bundling up in a chic chunky knit piece? Nope, I don't think so. It’s the perfect combination of comfort and style and the key to pulling off this trend is mixing up textures and making sure that you don’t drown in your knit piece. As mentioned above, embrace the oversized silhouette of your chunky knit sweater with a statement belt and make sure to balance it with more sleek piece down below, such as a pair of amazing leggings. Doing it up in leather ups or statement parka elevates the style even further. The cozy textures of the chunky knit worn with the sexy and dangerous feel of leather equal amazing street look for sure.
THE LIE BY JPZ belt & bag
NEW YORKER parka with added fur trim
RED QUEEN sweater
GUCCI heart bracelet
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif silver and golden bracelets
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
CINTI ankle boots
Shop Trapezoid Small Black & White Fringed Delight Tote
My Personal Style: Statement Coat For A Chic Start Of The Week February 29 2016, 1 Comment
Our ruffled coat from FW 2015/2016 From Russia Withe Love was a big hit among fashionistas! So, let me tell you a secret - it is coming back with our SS 2016 collection, more glorious than ever, in a super sleek summer edition!!!
So meanwhile, when the weather is still quite cold, here's a turquoise winter version for a chic start of the week. Paired with elegant blacks, leather and some (or quite a lot) silver hardware, this cute ruffled coat creates a girlish yet edgy urban statement look.
THE LIE BY JPZ coat, gloves, fur pom pom & bag
ZARA turtleneck
ESCADA sunnies
QUPID LOVE ankle boots
Shop Classic Beauty Black Patent Rock Chick
Shop Ocean Blue Biker Gloves
My Personal Style: Weekend Chic February 20 2016, 3 Comments
It’s not so often I post casual outfits – I like my blog to feel special so I dress up! But this Saturday was for relaxing and so a perfect day for some comfortable, yet chic weekend attire. The over the knee flat boots trend is nothing new and to be honest - it always work, when you want to be comfortable but still looking elegant. Beside this stunning Alberto Gozzi boots, the key was really to elevate them also with the rest of the look – luxurious fur trimmed camel jacket, statement bag, sexy belt to emphasise your posture and super cool sunglasses. With faux leather pants the look instantly feels a bit more modern and rockish.
THE LIE BY JPZ fur trimmed jacket, belt & bag
ZARA knit sweater
PRADA sunnies
GUCCI heart bracelet & scarf
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif silver and golden bracelets
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
Shop Statement Bag Fashionista Chocolate Brown Croc
Shop Classic Cognac Brown Croc Waist Belt
My Personal Style: London Textures February 14 2016, 5 Comments
Black textures with a sprinkle of white were the best warm yet chic choice for a super cold and extremely windy London. I love to stay warm and with the right layering you can look chic even in a very cold weather. The trick is in a few statement pieces and different material textures.
Since I was three years old, I've been to London every year ever since. I like London - toast bread with butter (which tastes soooo incredibly good only there), red busses and telephone boxes (oh, so photogenic), unpredictable weather, beautiful cemetery on Earl's Court with cutest little squirrels, Covent Garden market and amazing musicals.
This year was extremely windy, so layered look was a must. When layering in one colour, try to play with different textures - that's what makes look unique and interesting. As you can see, I went for wool (coat), fur (vest), faux leather with interesting stitching (pants), suede leather (boots) and patent leather (bag). Yes, many different materials, which work together so nicely, and I spiced up the entire black look with a white tee peeking under a black turtleneck, white Lara's hat and a statement fringed bag in black and white combination.
Paula, thank you for the sexiest taxi ride ever!
THE LIE BY JPZ fur vest, coat, Lara's hat & bag
ZARA turtleneck
H&M tee
GUCCI heart bracelet
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif silver and golden bracelets
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
CINTI boots
My Personal Style: Adding Drama To An Outfit February 04 2016, 5 Comments
Adding drama to an outfit is a fun and exciting way to create interest. Drama isn’t reserved just for fancy events, but can be applied to everyday style. Today’s look I added two pieces that create drama – over the knee boots and a flowing trench coat. Longer length pieces inherently create drama. My trench creates drama not only because of the length, but also in its movement when it dances with the wind. For the sake of today’s post, I am focusing on longer length pieces to create dramatic interest. I chose high boots and a long trench, but also try longer tops (high-low tops work great too), long scarves, wearing a dress as a top paired with pants underneath, or even wearing super long, street skimming flares paired with high heels or platforms to create that extra level of excitement. When pieces stand apart because of their longer length it creates eye-catching interest and elevates the outfit.
THE LIE BY JPZ bag & tibet lamb fur vest
GUCCI heart bracelet
Vintage golden bracelets
Evil eye motif silver and golden bracelets
Rose gold with diamonds and mother of pearl evil eye bracelet
White gold with diamonds peace bracelet
White gold with diamonds cross bracelet
Custom made golden necklace
Rose gold with diamonds Fatima palm necklace
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
PRADA sunglasses
NEW YORKER jeans & plaid shirt
TOP MODA FASHION ankle boots
My Personal Style: Camel Jacket February 01 2016, 4 Comments
Camel & black is a classic combination that never goes out of style. It's elegant and sexy yet very simple and sophisticated. It's the kind of combo that always saves you, when you run out of imagination, still want to impress and do not want to be in black from head to toe (because all black outfits are the ones, that also always work perfectly). So, having a camel coat or jacket in your closet are one of those essential pieces that are worth investing in. While in spring and fall a simple camel coat is exactly what you need, you can play a little bit more in the winter and choose a short, retro inspired jacket variation trimmed with fur, such as our The Lie by JPZ statement must have piece (now on sale, for more info, contact us at!
THE LIE BY JPZ belt, bag, fur bag charm, choker, skirt & jacket
GUCCI heart bracelet
Vintage golden & evil eye bracelet
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
DOLCE & GABBANA sunglasses
My Personal Style: The Hottest Fashion Colour Right Now and The Hottest Coat Right Now January 19 2016, 4 Comments
The slightly dusty yellow colour was a true hit on the red carpet at the Golden Globe 2016 a week ago and while celebrities like Jennifer Lopez showed us how to rock it on a red carpet, here at The Lie by JPZ we surely know how to wear it any day! Our statement ruffled coat from Fall Winter 2015/2016 collection is an absolute stunner, a true statement piece, that will elevate any look. I love it, wear it all the time and here is an example of an elegant, yet still edgy look for a busy working day. I pried it with extremely cool leather skirt, also from FW 15/16 collection and black and white satin blouse from our SS 15 collection. I added another two statement to complete the look - our chunky wide belt and the cutest black and white cross body bag from calf skin.
So ladies, do you dare?
THE LIE BY JPZ blouse, skirt, belt, bag, coin bracelet and coat
Rose & white gold diamond bracelets (with peace and evil eye motif)
Golden vintage bracelets
RAYMOND WEIL vintage watch
GUCCI heart bracelet
Fatima palm rose gold with diamonds necklace
Custom made golden necklace
PRADA sunglasses
LE SILLA over the knee boots
Shop Trapezoid Black & White Delight Clutch
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