Blog, News & Styling Tips

Femme Fatale 2018 October 09 2019, 0 Comments

10 years ago, I became Femme Fatale Slovenia 2009. Last year and this year, I was attending it not only as a guest, but as a dress designer for Femme Fatale candidate. Last year I was creating for actress Gorka Berden and she was shining bright in The Lie by JPZ custom colorful sparkling evening gown. This year, my creation was wearing my dear gorgeous Natalija Verboten, who also won the nomination and became Femme Fatale 2019! STAY TUNED to see her creation and the entire The Lie by JPZ army attending this wonderful red carpet event, organized by Revija Avenija.


Meet The Lie By JPZ Stylemakers vol. 4 The Red Carpet - Femme Fatale 2018, Story Magazine 10 YEARS & Žarometi 2019 August 10 2019, 0 Comments


Creating looks for the red carpet events is always exciting. But before the public’s attention turns to who wore what or who wore it best, there’s an entire process and many styling secrets behind-the-scenes that go into creating those spotlight-worthy gala looks.
When a celebrity steps onto the red carpet, don’t be deceived by their seemingly effortless demeanour. That ensemble - dress, accessories, jewellery, shoes, hair and make-up included - is the culmination of weeks, or sometimes months, of preparation. Usually, I have an idea that it’s not going to be just one, so I need to have a build-up situation. Who is a woman I am creating a gala look for, what is she doing, what she likes, what she wants to represent and what she wants to say. To me, it also matters how someone poses in a particular look. It makes the photos and of course the dress looks better, which is quite important.
I wrote about this already in a previous post - there’s so much that fashion can do and say - it sends messages. I want the public to like them and to make them seem accessible, despite the glamorous appearance.
Sometimes, my brand and client just click, and it’s a thing where the brand fit and aesthetic just happens to work on the client season after season.
My aim is to help my clients feel beautiful, comfortable and secure and help elevate who they already are. I want my clients to feel confident and have fun and that’s exactly how I want to feel, when wearing an evening gown. That is how that eventual sense of effortlessness is achieved.
Spotted hitting the red carpet of Slovenian media award Žarometi 2019, Femme Fatale 2018 and 10th anniversary of Story magazine, were also our gorgeous The Lie by JPZ Style Makers! Check them out and take a look at what were they wearing!


Ustvarjati obleke in celotni izgled za rdečo preprogo ali gala dogodke je vedno vznemirljivo. Vendar preden se pozornost javnosti osreotoči na to, kaj je kdo oblekel in kako je obleko nosil, se odvija zanimiv proces, poln stilskih skrivnosti in podrobnosti, ki je potreben za končni "gala look".
Ko ženska stopi na rdeče preprogo, naj vas ne zavede njena sproščenost in občutek, da se je v tej obleki verjetno rodila in jo je zato do današnjega dne osvojila. Obleka, dodatki, nakit, čevlji, frizura in make up - vse to je rezultat več dnevnega, tedenskega ali včasih celo mesečnega dela in priprav. Ko ustvarjam izgled za stranko, upoštevam več dejavnikov - kdo je, kaj počne, česa si želi v življenju, kaj ima rada, kaj želi predstavljati in kaj želi povedati. Pomembno mi je tudi, kako oseba pozira in hodi v oblki - vse to je pomembno in zaželjeno za dober končni rezultat - vtis, ki ga naredi na dogodku in fotografije. Moda in stil lahko res naredita veliko - z modo in posledično s svojim stilom okolici veliko sporočate.
Ko ustvarjam obleke in dodatke, torej končni izgled za svoje stranke, zvezde, znanke, prijateljice, mi je pomembno, da ostanem zvesta ne le sebi, temveč tudi njim. Ujeti harmonijo mojega stila in mojega poslanstva s stilom, karakterjem in poslanstvom osebe, za katero ustvarjam. Želim, da so še vedno dostopne, glamurozni opravi navkljub.
Moja naloga je, da jim pomagam, da se počutijo še lepše, varne, da jim je udobno in lahko še bolj izrazijo to, kar v resnici so. Želim, da so samozavestne, hkrati pa se tudi zabavajo - ko ustvarjam za njih, upoštevam vse te dejavnike. Kajti taiste dejavnike upoštevam tudi, kadar ustvarjam zase. 
Poglejte si "looke", ki sem jih ustvarila za rdeče preproge letošnjih Žarometov, Femme Fatale 2018, in 10. obletnico revijo Story.