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The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL September 27 2021, 0 Comments

THE LIE BY JPZ poročni avantgardni stil vedno testira meje sodobnega sveta in retro pridiha v modnem dizajnu. Luksuzna The Lie by JPZ poročna linija je sinonim za drzne, seksi in moderne kroje, ki vsebuje sodobne in vintage materiale, ki subtilno vnaša v poročne kreacije pridih retro stila. Vse obleke so oblikovane in ročno izdelane v našem studiu.
Jernejin umetniški pristop k “high end” modi sedaj predstavlja tako imenovano “couture” stopnjo kvalitete. The lie by JPZ poročna obleka je tako (p)osebna, prepoznavna in drugačna od vse ostale ponudbe, da jo preprosto mora imeti vsaka nevesta, ki resnično ceni unikatno poročno obleko.
The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL je primerna za vsako nevesto - urbano, seksi, moderno, romantično ali klasično, kot tudi za njeno pričo, družice in cvetlične deklice. Polna domišljije, izbranih detajlov in romantike, The Lie by JPZ luksuzna POROČNA linija bo z vami na začetku vaše zakonske ljubezenske zgodbe točno tako, kot si zaslužite - v vsem svojem sijaju.
THE LIE BY JPZ bridal avant-garde style always tests the boundaries of the modern world and retro touches in fashion design. The luxurious The Lie by JPZ bridal line is synonymous with bold, sexy and modern cuts, containing modern and vintage materials that subtly bring a touch of retro style to wedding creations. All dresses are designed and handmade in our studio.
JPZ's artistic approach to "high end" fashion now represents the so-called "couture" level of quality. The lie by JPZ wedding dress is so personal, recognizable and different from all other offers that it must simply be worn by every bride who really appreciates a unique, one of a kind wedding gown.
The Lie by JPZ BRIDAL is suitable for every bride - urban, sexy, modern, romantic or classic, as well as for her maid of honor, bridesmaids and flower girls. Full of imagination, selected details and romance, The Lie by JPZ luxurious BRIDAL line will be with you at the beginning of your marital love story exactly as you deserve - in all its glory.

Lookbook shot by @tiborgolob
Video directed & edited by @lukabojanc
Hair by @kikihair_slo
Make up by @secretkeymakeup
Models: Julija Ivanović, Maša Gržinič, Lara Kramberger, Neja Krampl Mastnak

Termini za The Lie by JPZ Tvojo Unikatno Poročno Obleko So Odprti! / Custom The Lie by JPZ Wedding Gown Appointments Are Open - Book Now January 06 2019, 0 Comments


Drage moje! 

Prihaja eden najlepših dni v vašem življenju (verjemite mi, jaz že vem) in to je dan, ko morate zablesteti v vsej svoji lepoti (ja, tudi to mi lahko verjamete). Vaš poročni dan je samo vajin in zato si zaslužite tudi popolno obleko. Obleko, ki bo odražala vas, vaju, vajino ljubezen, vajin stil. Obleka, ki bo poudarila vse vaše popolnosti in prikrila nepopolnosti. Neizmerno sem uživala v kreiranju in izdelavi svojih poročnih oblek in tistih za moje družice pred letom in pol, še bolj pa sem uživala, ko sem lansko sezono ustvarjala za svoje neveste. Kako sem srečna, da sem lahko podoživljala skupaj z njimi svoje občutke, svoje spomine, hkrati pa jim dala tisto piko na i - njihovo popolno obleko. Zaradi unikatne izdelave, neprespanih noči in stotine ur ročnega dela, lahko na sezono sprejmemo le omejeno število nevest. Termini za rezervacije so sedaj odprti in jih sprejemamo do konca februaurja, potem pa začenjamo ves svoj čas namenjati iskanju in izbiri prave čipke in materialov ter s procesom izdelave. Za nekaj nevest je letos še prostora, The Lie by JPZ ekipa se veseli novih unikatnih, urbanih, seksapilnih, elegantnih in šik poročnih kreacij, ki jih bomo zopet ustvarili skupaj z vami, drage moje neveste!

Za vse informacije smo vam na voljo na elektronskem naslovu ali na telefonski številki 051/645-506


My dear ladies! 

One of the most beautiful days in your life is coming (believe me, I already know) and this is the day you need to shine in all your beauty (yes, you can believe me that too). Your wedding day is just yours and that's why you absolutely deserve your perfect dream wedding gown. A dress that will reflect you, your husband to be, your mutual love, your style. A dress that will emphasize all your perfections and conceal imperfections. I immensely enjoyed creating and making my wedding dresses and those for my bridesmaids a year and a half ago, but even more I enjoyed creatin them for my brides last year. How happy I am to be able to relive with them my feelings, my memories, and at the same time give them - in my opinion - one of the most beautiful appearances in their lives: the perfect wedding gown. Due to the unique production, many slepless nights and hundreds of hours of handmade work, only a limited number of brides can be accepted on the season. Booking terms are now open and we accept them by the end of February, and then we start to spend our time searching for and choosing the right lace and materials, so your dream wedding dress starts coming to life. The Lie by JPZ team is looking forward to new unique, urban, sexy, elegant and chic wedding creations that we will create together with you, my dear brides!

For all information, please contact us at or at the telephone number 051 / 645-506


Photo: Tibor Golob
Model: Anja Jenko
The Lie by JPZ Bridal 2019 Collection